Delt Sig Spartan
The men of Delta Sigma Phi have consistently maintained a cumulative grade point average well above the MSU all-men’s average. The chapter study room on the first floor of the house is well stocked with text books, course packs, and study guides passed down from brother to brother.
With majors ranging from neuroscience to forestry, there are always several brothers that are more than happy to help understand any subject. Group study sessions at the main library, one on one tutoring at the chapter house, and the support of well-educated peers will ensure that you continue our legacy of academic excellence as a brother of Delta Sigma Phi.
Delta Sigma Phi frequently acknowledges and rewards academic excellence of its members through scholarship and awards.
Our Chapter has awarded over $65,000 in academic scholarships to
our Brothers and New Members!
Scholarships Include:
Richard D. McLellan Academic Scholarship
Eligible recipients are awarded up to $250 every semester for a 3.5 semester GPA, and $125 for a 3.25 semester GPA
Richard D. McLellan New Member Term Academic Scholarship
Eligible recipients are awarded up to $150 during a New Member’s pledging semester for a 3.5 GPA, and up to $75 for a 3.25 semester GPA
Norm Potter Merit Award
$2,000 awarded to outstanding brothers in financial need with strong academic performance and who exhibit exceptional leadership qualities within and outside of the Fraternity.
DSP National McKee Scholarship
$Thousands of dollars$ awarded to Brothers each year for academic excellence, leadership and dedication/contribution to the fraternity.