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The Mission of JK Believe in Miracles
The mission of JK Believe in Miracles is to enrich the lives of Michigan children suffering from life-threatening medical conditions by buying gifts and bringing joy and hope to their lives. Along with their gift, each child receives a personalized trophy to acknowledge their courageous fight.
JK Believe in Miracles is an all volunteer, grass roots organization founded in 2005 by two 11 year old boys whose goal was to bring a smile to the face of a child that is suffering. JK Believe in Miracles was created to let children and their families know that they are not alone in their battles, that we are praying for them and fighting for them.
For more information about JK Believe in Miracles see the Fact Sheet:
How JK Believe in Miracles Got Started
JK Believe in Miracles was founded in 2005 by then 5th graders, Brett Kast (Fall 2012 Delt Sig Spartan) and J.D. Sterba. The inspiration came from Brett’s youngest sister Jenna who was battling brain cancer. While Brett and his sister Nancy would accompany Jenna on her trips to Children’s Hospital, Brett became increasingly aware of the suffering and hardships many children face.
As a result, he became determined to help these children in some way. Brett had undoubtedly been influenced by the kindness and support that his family received from the community during their most trying times. After discussing the idea with his friend, JD, the two 10 year old boys came up with a plan to design and sell wristbands. The money raised from the sale of the braceletswould be used to buy a gift for a child that was suffering, with the hope that they could forget about their illness for a while. “I think that’s what God wants us to do,” said Brett. “I think that’s what we’re supposed to do.”
More more information and to express your financial support of the JK Believe in Miracles Foundation, visit
DELT SIG SPARTAN SUPPORT of JK Beleive in Miracles
Join us for the annual Delt Sig Spartan DIRTY TUG Tug-O-War Philanthropy Event this spring!
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