As a Brother of Delta Sigma Phi you will be one of a privileged few to be a part of the strongest Brotherhood on campus. You will become more than just a friend, you will become a true brother with men who truly share the same values you do. Consistently one of the top Brotherhoods on campus, the rest of the MSU Greek Community seems to agree with what we already know.
The Delt Sig Spartan Leadership Program, launched in 2007, is the preeminant Leadership development initiative at Michigan State University, and across the country amongst other student/Greek organizations nationwide. Our Leadership Program begins during the New Member Term, and continues throughout the course of a Brother's collegiete career. The Program focuses on Chapter leadership, executive leadership training, leadership in the community and on the campus of Michigan State, philanthropic/service leadership and career leadership - among several other disciplines.
Numerous social events are held throughout the year with the lovely sororities of MSU, and include philanthropy events, sorority mixers, Hayride Date Party, tailgates, Carnation Ball formal, riverboat semi formal, as well as numerous other events.
At Delta Sigma Phi, we build better men and create better lives. Not just for us, but for others as well. We contribute to our national Philanthropy, The American Red Cross, by sponsoring multiple blood drives throughout the year. We also hold fundraisers throughout the year for many local charities, such as Hannah House and The Jenna Kast Believe in Miracles Foundation. Our main Philanthropy event is our annual Dirty Tug, which occurs every spring. The event takes place in the volleyball pit in our backyard, and is attended by many throughout the entire Greek Community here at MSU. At last year’s event, we raised $1,400 for Hannah House. This spring, we raised a total of $2,800 for The Jenna Kast Believe in Miracles foundation.
Our 5,000 Square foot 24 bedroom fraternity house was built in 1933 and has been the home of Delta Sigma Phi ever since. Joining Delta Sigma Phi will give you access to a Brotherhood of 110,000 men over a 115 year long period of success. Our Chapter, Alpha Pi also boasts the largest alumni base of any Delta Sigma Phi chapter in the nation (2200) and provides numerous networking opportunities. We consistently compete for State Championships (with numerous "Michigan State Chapter of the Year" Awards), and National Championships ("Delta Sigma Phi Pyramid of Excellence" Awards) which recognize the top performing Fraternities and Chapters on campus and throughout the country.
The men of Delta Sigma Phi have consistently maintained a cumulative grade point average well above the MSU all-men’s average. The chapter study room on the first floor of the house is well stocked with text books, course packs, and study guides passed down from brother to brother. With majors ranging from neuroscience to forestry, there are always several brothers that are more than happy to help understand any subject. Group study sessions at the main library, one on one tutoring at the chapter house, and the support of well-educated peers will ensure that you continue our legacy of academic excellence as a brother of Delta Sigma Phi.
Benefits of Membership in the Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity