Q: Why should I join a Fraternity? Why Should I join Delta Sigma Phi?
A: College is all about branching out, making new friends, and finding your place in a new city. It is ordinary to maintain your friends from high school and meet a few people in your dorm, but at Delta Sigma Phi we are more than ordinary. A better man realizes that in order to be successful and happy it is important to push the limits of your comfort zone and explore new things. We are looking for better men- We are looking for you. Greek Life offers countless opportunities to advance your career, build friendships, and make connections.
Q: Will I have to do a bunch of weird stuff to get in?
A: Absolutely not. We are proud of the fact that we maintain a strict no hazing policy, and our fraternity was one of the first to completely ban hazing nationally. We believe that any man who hazes or allows himself to be hazed is not fit for membership, and is not a true brother. Brotherhood is built by loyalty, respect, culture, friendship, and harmony, not by hazing. At Delta Sigma Phi, we strive every day to eradicate the erroneous stereotypes about fraternity pledging and culture, and to convince the world of the sincerity of our purpose.
Q: I’m not sure if Greek Life is for me, who should I talk to?
A: There are several InterFraternity Council members available to speak to who can offer a non-biased perspective on the benefits of Greek Life. They can be contacted by visiting http://msugreeklife.org/ifc-officers, and any of our Rush Chairmen can talk to you about their experience with rush and why they decided to choose Delta Sigma Phi. MSU also hosts a Greek Fall Welcome at the rock each fall where interested students can speak to representatives from every fraternity on campus about rush and pre-rush events each chapter holds. For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/MichiganStateFraternitySorority/ or http://www.greeklife.msu.edu/about/brotherhood-and-sisterhood.html.